The Indian baby girl was named Chahad Kumar by her parents, when she was born as normal as many other children, but 4 months after birth, Chahad suddenly gained weight rapidly and by 8 months old, her weight was up to 20kg, equal to the average weight of a 6-year-old baby.

This disease makes the person feel constantly hungry and causes constant obesity . Because of that, Chahad needed to eat constantly, making her so fat that she could not stand up, could only sit or lie on the ground. If not fed, Chahad would cry and feel sorry for the child, so the parents had to feed the child immediately.h-a-n-h

Even the doctors were “confounded” by the girl’s condition because her unusually thick skin made it very difficult to get a blood sample: “The blood test could not be done, because the body fat is too much and the results may not be correct. We tried many times but the baby’s skin is too thick for us to diagnose the condition.”h-a-n-h

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