‘A one-in-a-billion kid’ survives his rare deformity and has a loving family.
The shop’s barista had been in the nearby bagel shop just a little bit before and had seen Jessica with her family.
“You were with that sad baby, weren’t you?” she asked.
Paulraj, 26, was stunned.
“His name is Adam, and he is my son,” Jessica said.
And, she said, he is happy.
The Stanton College Prep graduate and her husband Raja Paulraj, 32, fell in love with Adam when they met him last year in the missionary hospital in India where the couple worked.
Adam was born with multiple deformities, from a cleft palate and legs webbed together to missing fingers and eyelids.
Many people thought he wouldn’t live longer than a few months, but he has.
Doctors feared he would lose his sight, but he didn’t.
Now he is fascinated by bright lights, colorful books and his own shadow. He recently learned how to play peek-a-boo, something that never fails to makes him laugh.
Had Adam been sent home with his biological family, hospital workers were told he would have been poisoned by the family.
Today he is doted on by loving parents and a large extended family. And on Sept. 22 of this year, Adam became a big brother when Jessica gave birth to Elliot.
It’s true that the cleft palate makes it difficult to see Adam’s smile. But his dimples tell the true story.
Adam is happy.
Adam was born Sept. 18, 2011 with Bartsocas-Papas, a rare syndrome that caused severe deformities. Most babies with the syndrome die before they’re born or soon after. But Adam is what his doctor called a “one-in-a-billion kid.”
Raja met Adam the day after his birth, and he and Jessica quickly began caring for the baby. They adopted him Nov. 2, 2011, and were in the United States later that month to get Adam life-saving surgeries.
Through a friend, the Paulrajs were connected with John van Aalst a plastic surgeon from UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill. Van Aalst and his colleagues agreed to perform the surgeries, but the hospital said the family had to raise at least $100,000 before the surgeries could begin.
Adam’s story appeared in the Times-Union on Thanksgiving 2011. By the next week, the Medical Foundation of North Carolina had received more than $100,000 in donations and pledges, and Adam had his first of about 10 surgeries. To date, they’ve raised about $200,000.
Physicians separated Adam’s gastrointestinal tract from his urinary system, created new eyelids for him, amputated his legs below the knees and fixed his cleft lip.
In the spring, doctors plan to repair his cleft palate. Van Aalst said he estimates the medical costs just for Adam’s hospital stay in the spring to be about $75,000. He’s hoping to help the family raise enough money to pay for those costs through donations. Plus, Adam may need additional eye surgeries, and he’ll still need a new nose, but those surgeries would come later.
Hopefully next year, Adam will be fitted with prostheses to help him walk. But he isn’t waiting for those surgeries to learn his way around.
Though his legs were amputated, he’s been able to explore his house by crawling on the floor. He’s sitting on his own now, using his right hand to push himself up then holding out his left arm to balance himself.
He’s very active and curious, Raja said, but also careful. Adam moves with caution around the house – not getting too close to the portable heater and being careful not to fall off the edge of the bed.
Adam still needs a feeding tube because of his cleft palate. But Jessica wants to make sure he is able to eat through his mouth so it’s not a difficult transition when the feeding tube is gone. Adam uses a spoon to feed himself bananas or carrots. But before he puts anything into his mouth, he brings the spoon to his eyes to look at it the food first.
It appears Adam is meeting developmental milestones, van Aalst said. He credits much of that success to Adam’s resiliency and the love and support of his parents.
“Adam is an unusual enough child that predicting where he’s going and how he’s going to turn out, no one can quite do that,” van Aalst said.
Adam isn’t the only child in the house anymore, and it’s something he’s not always happy about. Usually when he sees Elliot out of the corner of his eye, Adam heads in the opposite direction, his parents said.
But every once in a while, Adam stops to look closely at his little brother, touching his face, rubbing his hair or holding his hand. There Adam sits, watching Elliot wiggle his little fingers. It’s fascinating to Adam, who has no fingers of his own.
“Adam couldn’t figure out what it was because he doesn’t have the same hands,” Jessica said.
Still, Raja said he doesn’t think Adam is upset by any of the differences he sees between him and other people.
But others notice.
It’s difficult for Jessica when she sees how people react to Adam.
In India, where the Paulrajs continue their missionary work, strangers walk up to her to stare at Adam, one woman recently telling her that she should have let Adam die. She hopes they would understand if only she could find the right words to explain it to them. But those haven’t come to her yet.
Jessica has considered staying inside the house to protect him from the stares and the harsh words, but she doesn’t want Adam to feel uncomfortable around people.
On the campus of Herbertpur Christian Hospital, where Raja works as a psychiatrist, the children of other staff members love playing with Adam. They treat him like just another child.
But for some of the patients, Adam is more.
“Sometimes patients come with hopelessness, and they think I don’t know what they’re going through,” Raja said. “I show pictures of Adam and explain how things can be beautiful.”
A few months ago, Raja was treating a 22-year-old engineering student who had fallen and was left paralyzed and angry.
This man wanted to meet Adam.
Adam is usually shy with strangers. But when he met his father’s patient, he leaned into the man’s face, and he kissed him.
“The guy couldn’t do anything,” Jessica said. “All he could do was receive Adam’s love.”
And at that moment, the man shared Adam’s happiness.
Mary Kelli Palka for the Times-Union
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