At 22 years old, Manpreet Singh from Punjab has an entire village that worships him. But how did he manage this? Perhaps his only hand in securing this status is that he appears to be trapped in the body of a six-month-old. He’s 23 inches tall and weighs 6.80kg (15lbs).
Local villagers consider him to be the reincarnation of a Hindu god and seek his blessings daily. This has been happening everyday since Manpreet turned 12, reports Barcroft.tv.
“Among his relatives, as well as those who come from outside, he is considered to be like a god. Whoever he blesses will get their wish fulfilled,” said his mother Manjeet Kaur in an interview.
She added, “People don’t bully my son for being short. We don’t feel bad about him. We all worship him. People love him a lot. People come to worship him every day.”
Manpreet can’t walk on his own or say more than a few words, and was only three years old when he stopped moving his legs altogether.
According to his parents, Jagtar Singh and Manjeet Kaur, Manpreet was born healthy but his body stopped developing after six months. They haven’t been able to afford medical treatment but still managed to take him to a few doctors who blamed Manpreet’s condition on thyroid, but a condition that could be treated nonetheless. And, so, they tried various medicines but to no avail. Other doctors believe he suffers from a rare genetic condition. Either way, Manpreet’s condition remains unchanged to date.
“We have consulted a lot of doctors but they also don’t have any hope. But if by any chance there is a possibility, I could not be happier,” the boy’s father Jagtar said in an interview with Boredom Therapy.
What’s interesting to note is that Manpreet has two healthy siblings — a sister who is 20 years old and a brother who’s eight — who grew to normal size. His sister is also his caretaker.
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His parents’ only wish? That Manpreet’s reincarnation as god earn him just enough money to get proper treatment.
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