Devina Smith was born May 1st and shocked her family with her magical mane which is the colour of snow.
Mum Jessica Smith, 27, from Amory, Mississippi, USA, has even likened her daughter to Game of Thrones character Daenerys for their matching silvery locks.
Jessica arrived at the Gilmore Memorial Hospital ready to welcome her new addition into the world. At long last, after some hard work, Jessica gave birth to a baby girl. But when she saw her baby for the first time she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. And the nurses and doctors seemed just as surprised too.
Jessica had no idea how much attention her new baby would receive when she posted photographs of him on social media. People all around the world liked the photos and complimented her on them. One woman commented on her 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑏𝑜𝑜𝑘 saying, “I love seeing her pictures! She is such a beautiful baby!!! One of the most beautiful babies that I have ever laid eyes on!!!”
Doctors diagnosed the tot with partial 𝑎𝑙𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑠𝑚, but other than needing check-ups on her sight, Devina is perfectly healthy. She didn’t know much about albinism or partial albinism, or what this would mean for Devina’s future. However, Jessica’s physicians informed her that, except for the appearance of white hair, she was in perfect condition. As she gets older, the issue shouldn’t bother her too much; she’ll only need to get some extra eye tests to make sure they’re not damaged, and she’ll need to be extra cautious with sunscreen.
Jessica, the full-time mum of three, said: “I never expected her to have hair like that.
“I didn’t know until she was born.
“The doctor told me she had a lot of hair during delivery but it was a shock when I saw her for the first time, she had so much hair, it was crazy.
“I hadn’t seen a baby like that before others were blond, but not white.
“I think it makes her extra special.”
Devina’s locks have already been attracting attention in public and online.
She said: “She’s so tiny, we haven’t taken her out much but when we took her for a hospital visit, a little girl said she looked like a baby doll.
“When we posted her photos online, they were being viewed thousands of times.
As the images and articles spread throughout the internet, a deluge of comments poured in. Jessica was taken aback not just by the huge amount of shares and comments Devina had got, but also by the fact that some people doubted the images were genuine.
She later said: “I couldn’t believe how much attention the photos were getting. People thought it had been photoshopped.” But Jessica and her family assured the viewers that Devina’s hair was, in fact, very real.
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